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Emergency Contact Phone
Have you been an Out & Out member before * Yes No
OUT & OUT is a completely volunteer-run organization. The club’s success depends entirely on the contribution and assistance provided by members like you. YES! I would be willing to help with club sub-committees: Activities and events Social Club administration Technical or website support
How did you find out about Out & Out (check all that apply)?: Was a member previously Friend Web search Pride 519 Meetup OutSport Advertisement Other
Do you wish to receive Google Group emails? * Most of our members get Google Group email alerts to inform them when each club activity is added or updated. We recommend answering "Yes". You can always change to "No", here, at a later date. Changes take a few days to implement. Note: If you say "Yes", you will receive an invitation email from Google Groups, in a few days, for you to accept/confirm. You may need to check your spam folder. * Yes No
Our Facebook private members group is a great way to virtually connect with others in our club. Two steps are required to join. (1) Below, type in the name you use on FB. (2) Sign into FB, search for group "Out & Out Club Members", then click on the Join Group button. We will accept your request within a few days.
PRIVACY POLICY: All information is kept strictly confidential, we do not share or sell our mailing lists. Check the box above to indicate you understand. * PRIVACY POLICY: All information is kept strictly confidential, we do not share or sell our mailing lists. Check the box above to indicate you understand.
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